Assignment 26.3 Film production

The film I will be focusing upon will be Black Panther but a Sequel of the recent film, carrying on the storyline but I will switch the style in my own way.

Task 1: Initial Research

The title of the sequel will be Black Panther Avenges. The release date was on the 13th of February 2018, Furthermore, its production house is Marvel and it has seemed to become less diverse for the release of 'Black Panther'. This film has focused upon a specific culture but has small contrasts including the United kingdom and the United States being involved in the film.

The scenery has switched throughout the film including being in the UK, United States, Africa and Asia. Making this film globally filmed helps its target audience, making a wider audience watch the first making of a new Marvel film.

On the other hand, the producer was Kevin Feige and his purpose of being the producer is to create a specific style for the film, including all of the roles in film production. Which makes it unique to other films, and he was very successful for the new Marvel film. (He has to be the leader for the film)

Having the producer to oversee the aspects of film production is key because, its good to have different ideas from other people mainly because, those specific ideas can help the films popularity drastically and increase its sales. Which improves their profit. So having different aspects can help because they can, in the long run, gain profit for the company.

The research techniques where of course the cost of the media products and advertisement partnership. Having these things already gathered before the film is being made helps a lot because, we can use the products in a specific and unique which can intrigue a different audience into watching their films more often.. Also having the partnerships help the company because, for example, celebrity endorsement gathers a lot of new audiences into watching new films, for example, 'Uncle Drew' the film. Having these popular basketball players within a film improves the companies sale because of the celebrities fan base and support. And could enlarge their popularity for that specific film production company.

The techniques that improved the films popularity was that it was very unique and it was a film from MARVEL, which is a huge super hero film production company.

It's target audience includes 12A, which means a child should be accompanied by an adult.. Meaning that the target audience can be for any ages but not too young. For example, 8 years of age. Mainly because, there are some bad scenes that are perhaps fearful or gory for the young eyes.

Firstly I would include the targeting was mainly focused upon the new gesture of adding a black super hero who plays in with the Avengers. Having something new and creative into the marvel industry helps the company by gaining larger amounts of popularity. Also, the use of action and comedy throughout the trailer can perhaps manipulate the audience into paying to watch this film.

I would agree with the strategy's they used mainly because, it is very unique. And also because, it was an actual successful film for something that is different in the scene of the Marvel industry. I would also say that the target audience was blended around because, lots of different people decided to watch it because of the new technique they used of having a black super hero for the film. For example, Chadwick Boseman.

The marketing strategy's where all included, so Trailers, Posters, Red carpet interviews / Premiers, synergy, Websites and Production Blogs.  Mainly because, the company is already so big it can involve all of these marketing strategy's without ease. And because, it can gather its support easily because they're such a popular and wealthy company.

The Distributer was the UK (WDSMP) if you want to go into specifics. Having the right distributer can help mainly because the support can be gathered more easily and less stressful for the company. A well known distributer would be very useful for mainly selling their product. The company was a very big company.

I cannot gather how many screens they have used to sell their film but I do know, that nearly every screen including the very popular cinema and theatre places had this film available. Roughly $300 million dollars was how much the film made which is amazing for the marvel industry. Furthermore, the expectations for this film to be good was high and they blew this film out of the park, they was very successful as you can tell by the amount of money they earned very early. As you know the marketing was very extended, including nearly every market sale device of selling products. Also the distribution was clearly well done mainly because this film is shown world wide now and is very popular for its successes.

Task 2: The Plan

'Black Panthers Universal beginning' is the title for my Sequel for Black Panther . 'Despair vs Victory' is the Tagline for this specific film.

My storyline - The beginning of the film, there will be a flash forward where black panther dies. But actually its a dream that could actually go either side if he isn't careful. Then he travels to his adviser and explains to him/her what happened and it makes him very cautious throughout the film, especially at the start. He wears clothes that are covering his whole body so he cannot be spotted so easily. The middle of the film, he fights lots of villains. Its a huge organisation that has been ruining New York for years, and he wants to end it. So he hunts the villains down one by one, leader by leader. Lastly, at the end he finds out his sister is in trouble and he has to stop the organisation at once or his family is at risk. And could harm the whole city.

The characters - Black Panther, Black Panthers sister, White Wolf. Villains, Black panthers family (including White Wolf) lastly Black Panthers Adviser (Helper) just like in James Bond.

The age rating for my Sequel of Black Panther will be PG 13. Meaning a child must have an adult to be able to watch this film at a young age. 

My intended audience will be mainly Males from a young age to begin young adults so from 30-13. The interests from my audiences perspective will be focused upon action but comedy will be included sometimes within the film. 

The genre will be an action/comedy type of film mainly because, the Marvel industry has always included action and some comedy within their films.

Task 3: The Proposal 

1- The reason my poster intrigues my audience is because, it is unique and modern which suits the generation that i am focusing upon as my audience, which is young adults. However, the reason it also intrigues my audience is mainly because, it is a MARVEL film which they usually focus upon young adults and children. Also, because my poster includes the main character and his stance highlights either the film will be an action packed film it immediately persuades the people that like action packed films to watch this specific film. Mainly because, it's first impression to someone who likes action, highlights that it will include action throughout the film mainly because of the way Black Panther's body expression is impersonated on the poster. (Stance) Furthermore, the use of the main character being shown on the poster helps the promotion of the film mainly because, the celebrity endorsement. The use of colour and lighting being focused upon darkness highlights that the film involves sneakiness. The typography is serif because i want the audience to be aware almost immediately. Unfortunately i didn't introduce the release date for the film on my poster so i will say the release date will be October the 15th 2018. Also, for the tag line ''Despair vs Victory'' I think it would be because, these two words could highlight good and evil which then highlights the storyline of the film.

2- To encourage fandom and repeat viewings after the release of the film i will have to promote my website and social medias so that people can know what is going on with the future of the films etc. The formats for my film releases will be 15th October 2018 for the cinema release. DVD release date will be December 1st 2018 and finally for online for example, Netflix. We would release the song on the same date as we would release the DVD of the film.

3- The main way i would promote my film would include using billboards and Television advertisement. I would choose these mainly because, lots more people either see posters when going to different places everyday and then also because, lots of people like watching television.

4- The production company i will be selecting and analysing will be MARVEL Entertainment mainly because, i want the film to carry on with its unique style. I don't want the style to change and make it a complete different film especially because, it is a sequel.

A) Marvel Entertainm
ent would be a Major studio production company because, they have a big budget and they always release their films on mainstream cinemas.

B) There creative industry are all very open minded, and allow different characters to be announced in the Marvel industry. The comics initiated these films, for example 'The Hulk'. These films where created by storyboards as you could say from comic books. Marvel is apparently a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Walt Disney company, and is one of the world's most prominent character-based entertainment company. It seems from my research, Marvel Production doesn't have any distributors, they do it themselves it seems. 

5- I would say the producer would want to fund for my film idea mainly because, this film idea is a trendy genre and style of film which would immediately intrigue a large audience. Also, having this film a sequel of one of the best films for 2018 would attract more of an audience once released. So there is a high possibility that this film would be successful just because, of the success of the first film. Furthermore, because it is a super hero film, this film already gets its attention because these style of film is already popular.

On the other hand, The main actor being black and the first super hero being black that got a film made, intrigues a lot of the different cultures to watch this film. Mainly because, its unique and they want to see how well they do to highlight a black persons culture, but also involving his ability of being a super hero.

If we where to release this film, we would announce a website that organises the ethical and legal concerns. So people who have some issues with the release, can talk to the 'support' team to then notice the changes they could add for the next film or immediately. Depending on how serious it is. Furthermore, the original social medias will be on at all times. So for example, Facebook, Twitter etc.

Lastly, the production budget was worth around $200,000,000. So from my research, this film will be sold internationally since the cost of the release was so much.

Task 4 - Evaluation 

1 - My audience seem to agree with the things i have designed and thought of for my sequel. Most definitely the audience will think that this film will contain Action because, its a sequel of Marvel, and every film includes some sort of action because, the films involve super heroes and villains which fight one another. They will be expecting to see an action packed film. Just from seeing the poster i have designed. This is mainly because, the main characters stance and costume seems like he is about to fight or is ready to. They will notice a group of villains against Black Panther, multiple fights will happen throughout the film. Black Panther has to defend him and his family because, bad things could happen. I think my audience will have excitement for the release of the film.

2 - I want my audience to feel excited before the film then happy and have a bit of laughter. The reason for excitement would be because, the release of another Black Panther film, and the action and comedy shown throughout the trailer. Having them feel as though they need to watch it because of the ending of the first film, will perhaps make them want to watch the next film. And lastly, the reason for Happiness and Laughter at the end of watching the film would be said because, the use of comedy and fluent action, would make the audience feel as though it was worth watching. 

3 - I would say my Promotion pack is very useful and effective towards my audience because, the storyboard shows what kind of genre and style the film will include and the poster will immediately attract the people walking or driving past mainly because, the main character that is very popular now is shown on the front cover. And the style of the poster could attract other audiences because, its style from the first film is different compared to the sequel i have decided to create. Similar emotions will be what i want for the sequel of the first Black Panther because, it's the same film just a different storyline.

4 - My audience gave me strengths about the poster, they said that it is very intriguing to look at, mainly because of the style and the skills i have added to create the design through photoshop.

5 - I would say maybe instead of having a group of villains, it is a villain that controls a group. He is the leader of the group, so maybe having a main character for the villains.

References - (2018). Divisions | Sony Pictures. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018].
                     -  YouTube. (2018). Marvel Studios' Black Panther - Official Trailer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018].
                   - (2018). Black panther (disambiguation). [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018].



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